The British Ju-Jitsu Association National Governing Body (BJJAGB) is committed to protecting all athletes ‘fundamental right’ to participate in Clean Sport.
The BJJAGB identifies integrity, fairness, sportsmanship and respect as essential to success in Ju-Jitsu and we aim to protect our sport from being undermined by doping.
We work closely with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), delivering a comprehensive Anti-Doping Education & Awareness programme to our Athletes, Coaches & Support Personnel
Is to create a generation of athletes who have confidence in their ability to succeed in Ju-Jitsu without resorting to committing an ADRV and a generation of support personnel who understand that the athletes they work with can achieve their goals without resorting to committing an ADRV and who embrace their obligations within the “100% me” principles and who are sensitive to issues of doping in sport in an effort to increase their awareness of prevention messages so that they can play their part in fostering clean competition.
Athletes need support, guidance and education to support them in their role and responsibilities towards clean sport.
It is important that the BJJAGB works with aspiring athletes from a young age to support them in developing intrinsic values about clean sport.
We want all our athletes to associate themselves with 100% me, the quality mark for all clean athletes.
The 100% me programme seeks to reinforce the core values of clean, fair competition, whilst underlining their achievements as being a clean athlete.
100% me is about being a true athlete.
It's about being able to say my performance is 100% me.
There is no secret to success - just hard work, determination and talent.
100% me is here to help you throughout your sporting journey.
100% me supports, informs and educates athletes throughout their careers by providing anti-doping advice and guidance. It is your guide to ensure you can ‘be clean and stay clean’.
"Since attending a UKAD Anti-Doping workshop at a BJJAGB Coaching Course this has raised my awareness of the use of supplements in my sport"
Steve G
The BJJAGB is committed to implementing, monitoring and evaluating a long-term education and information strategy so that successive generations of Athletes can be proud to say they are ‘100% me’ and understand the principles of Strict Liability
We will work with UKAD and other partners to encourage our sport’s community of athletes, coaches and athlete support personnel to engage and participate in Anti-Doping Education Programmes.
BJJAGB Clean Sport Team
Telephone: 07816922307